
Personal Stylist
in London

Personal Stylist in London


Hi, I'm Danny

Ever since I can remember, I have been utterly obsessed with women’s fashion. Growing up, I was far more interested in playing dress-up with the girls than football with the lads, but being an effeminate boy wasn’t an easy ride. I became ashamed of that part of myself and repressed it up until my early twenties, when I started experimenting with feminine dressing. I have done a lot of work on myself since then, but it wasn’t until I was 28 that I felt confident enough to dress fabulously in my everyday life.
Everything about my life is infinitely better now that I love and embrace who I am – without regret. The very traits that I was taught to be ashamed of ended up being some of my greatest assets and now, I want to help other people to learn these valuable lessons for themselves…
Photo of Danny Jennings, a Personal Stylist, in London wearing a purple polo jumper, fuchsia suede skirt, purple socks and matching heeled mules with sunglasses
Stack of jumpers in a Wardrobe Edit appointment

    “You have to be
  willing to lose other
       people’s approval
    order to gain your own.”

I’m a Manwoman
          on a Mission

Through my conversations with my transgender and crossdressing sisters, it has become abundantly clear to me that as a society, we have a pervasive fear of other people’s judgements that paralyses us from being, doing and wearing what our hearts yearn for. I believe that the way we present ourselves to the world is inextricably tied to our inner identity and so many people – not just those under the trans umbrella – have a vision in their minds of how they would like to look, but are disappointed by what they see in the mirror. My core mission as a Personal Stylist in London is to align those two images by equipping you with the practical tools and know-how to look and feel your best, as well as empowering you to step out into the world as your most fabulous, authentic and unapologetic self.

    You have to be
  willing to lose other
       people’s approval
    order to gain your own.”

At Your Service

With inclusivity at the heart of my business, my services are for anyone and everyone: men, women and everything outside and in-between. Some of my services, such as the Private Shopping Experience, have been specifically developed with my trans and crossdressing sisters in mind. I also offer online services, which allows me to work with people from anywhere in the world, without compromising on results.


Lavender Colour Swatch


Outfit Boards

Swatch of Grey Beige Neutral Styling

Online Styling Sessions

Charcoal Grey Swatch Seasonal Colours


Green Outfit Swatch

Body Shape

Swatch of a Pink Crystal Drape
Woman holding a pink Jacquemus handbag at a Transgender Makeover Service in London

If anyone is going to
     be unhappy about the
          way you’re dressed,
    it shouldn’t be you.”

Private Shopping by a Personal Stylist in London

 that's enough
about me

Hopefully, by this point, you feel like you’re getting to know me and the value I can add to your wardrobe – and your life – as your Personal Stylist in London or online.

Now, it’s your turn. Whether you’re just looking to make a few tweaks or undergo a complete style metamorphosis, I’d love to hear about it…

My Latest Video

If you feel that you’d like to get to know me better before booking in, the best thing to do is to watch some of my videos on social media and send me a DM. Seeing is believing, after all! I give away tons of styling tips and brand recommendations for free, as well as words of affirmation to give you the confidence boost that you might need. Check out my latest TikTok below.

Tell Me About You

What's your name?
How can I reach you?
Preferred contact method(s)?
Which of my services have peaked your interest?
What can I help with?

Personal Stylist
in London


Photo of Danny Jennings, a Personal Stylist, in London wearing a purple polo jumper, fuchsia suede skirt, purple socks and matching heeled mules with sunglasses

Hi, I'm Danny

Ever since I can remember, I have been utterly obsessed with women’s fashion. Growing up, I was far more interested in playing dress-up with the girls than football with the lads, but being an effeminate boy wasn’t an easy ride. I became ashamed of that part of myself and repressed it up until my early twenties, when I started experimenting with feminine dressing. I have done a lot of work on myself since then, but it wasn’t until I was 28 that I felt confident enough to dress fabulously in my everyday life. Everything about my life is infinitely better now that I love and embrace who I am – without regret. The very traits that I was taught to be ashamed of ended up being some of my greatest assets and now, I want to help other people to learn these valuable lessons for themselves…
Stack of jumpers in a Wardrobe Edit appointment

I'm a Manwoman
on a Mission

Through my conversations with my transgender and crossdressing sisters, it has become abundantly clear to me that as a society, we have a pervasive fear of other people’s judgements that paralyses us from being, doing and wearing what we truly want.

I believe that the way we present ourselves to the world is inextricably tied to our inner identity and so many people – not just those under the trans umbrella – have a vision in their minds of how they would like to look, but are disappointed by what they see in the mirror.

My core mission as a Personal Stylist is to align those two images by equipping you with the practical tools and know-how to look and feel your best, as well as empowering you to step out into the world as your most fabulous, authentic and unapologetic self.

    You have to be
  willing to lose other
       people’s approval
    order to gain your own.”

Woman holding a pink Jacquemus handbag at a Transgender Makeover Service in London

At Your Service

With inclusivity at the heart of my business, my services are for anyone and everyone: men, women and everything outside and in-between. Some of my services, such as the Private Shopping Experience, have been specifically developed with my trans and cross-dressing sisters in mind. Tap on each service to find out more.


Lavender Colour Swatch


Outfit Boards

Swatch of Grey Beige Neutral Styling

Online Styling Sessions

Charcoal Grey Swatch Seasonal Colours


Green Outfit Swatch


Swatch of a Pink Crystal Drape

If anyone is going to
     be unhappy about the
          way you’re dressed,
    it shouldn’t be you.”

Private Shopping by a Personal Stylist in London

My Latest Video

If you feel that you’d like to get to know me better before booking in, the best thing to do is to watch some of my videos on social media and send me a DM. Seeing is believing, after all! I give away tons of styling tips and brand recommendations for free, as well as words of affirmation to give you the confidence boost that you might need. Check out my latest TikTok below.

Anyway, that's enough about me...

Hopefully, by this point, you feel like you’re getting to know me and the value I can add to your wardrobe – and your life – as your Personal Stylist in London or online.

Now, it’s your turn. Whether you’re just looking to make a few tweaks or undergo a complete style metamorphosis, I’d love to hear about it…

Tell Me About You


What's your name?
How can I reach you?
Preferred contact method(s)?
Which of my services have peaked your interest?
What can I help with?